Make better decisions with live risk insights.
Without risk-taking, we stop dreaming, evolving, and learning. Embrace taking risk with our integrated risk & safety platform.

I've let Dave know.
I'm on scene now everyone. Will update soon.

Have the crew been notified?

An integrated risk & safety platform™ is developed by seasoned risk advisors, understands how work is truly done, not just imagined. With real-time insights and adaptive solutions,™ empowers teams to make informed decisions and navigate risks confidently.®
Reporting made simple. Anything from observations, risks, hazards, incidents, injuries, to near misses. Collaborate with your team in real-time. Combine with sensors, weather, data & telemetry for informed decision-making.
Save time with ISO 31000-based risk assessments. Access your curated library, use AI-powered suggestions, streamlining the process for fast and effective risk assessments.
Independent verification of contractors' risk management documents by Certified Practicing Risk Managers (CPRM), ensuring validity and a depth of analysis that confirms they are fit for service.
The greatest risk is to take no risk.
We provide the tools and insights needed to make informed decisions. Join some of the world-class teams using risky to improve their risk & safety operations.