
Risk Assessments don't have to be painful and over-complicated. Develop simple and intuitive Risk Assessments based on ISO 31000 methodology.

AI-powered Risk Assessments

Powerful risk assessments made easy

Create defensible and justifiable risk assessments that align with ISO 31000 Methodology, utilsing our curated library of risks and controls, automated risk level calculations, and AI-powered suggestions. Fine-tuned on decades of expertise and with the context of your data, risky.ai™ helps you create expert risk statements and controls.

Automated risk level calculation

Proactive & reactive controls

Collaborate, comment and share with your team

Unique risk identifier

Generate expert risk statements & controls

Our own in-house risky.ai™ models - Coming Soon

Risk Matrix & Templates

Customise for your industry & organisation

We know every organisation is different. Customise the underlying risk matrix to fit the risk appetite and tolerance of your organisation. Create and manage your library of templates, risk assessments, and inspections. Design a framework for the rest of your team.

Curated library of risks & controls

Likelihood & consequence descriptors

Customise risk actions & indicators

Define your own categories

Set your risk matrix levels

Free customisable inspections & checklists

Inspections are just the beginning of what our platform can do, thats why we offer it at no cost. Easily transform any workflow, process, or policy into a simple digital form or checklist.

Organisational WHS Insights

Drive informative decision making

With better risk insights, you can take a systematic approach to managing risks by prioritising control measures, from elimination and substitution to engineering controls, administrative actions, and personal protective equipment, ensuring a safer and more compliant workplace.

Develop comphrensive risk profiles

Understand your organisations risk appetite

Engage stakeholders along the way

Branded PDF executive reports

Link telemetry data from risky.live®

Assets, Inspections, Tasks

A safer and more compliant workplace

Take a systematic approach to managing risk by prioritising control measures, from elimination and substitution to engineering controls, administrative actions, and personal protective equipment, ensuring a safer and more compliant workplace.

Customisable checklists and forms (Drag & Drop)

Manage assets & equipment

Setup asset types, makes and models

Schedule audits & inspection reminders